Save the file, then back out, open user.ini instead, and add MouseAccelThreshold=0 to the bottom of the file. The fix there is, again in the BioShock.ini file mentioned above, to set ReduceMouseLag and DoubleBufferMouseLag both to =False. I don't always pick up on this stuff even when half the internet seems to be baying about it, but playing through BS1R I was acutely aware that my mouse felt like it was trying to skate through jelly. Then there's the mouse smoothing issue, which will affect more of us. If you have an EAX sound card you can also find bEAXEnabled= and change it to bEAXEnabled=True.

You then need to add SpeakerModeValue=5 as a new line underneath that. You can fix that specifically by going to the file above, finding SpeakerMode=Īnd changing that line to SpeakerMode=SM_5_1. It rather looks like we've just been pumped a relatively direct port of the PS4 and Xbone collection.įurthermore, options for 5.1 surround are missing. Industrious sorts can experiment with manually editing the Bioshock.ini file in C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\BioShockHD\BioShock to pump options up or down, but it's a fiddle, it's opaque and there's no guarantee that any of it will work well. Even the original release had a raft of settings for shadows and textures and whatnot.

The major problem is simply the lack of any options beyond resolution, anti-aliasing, vysync and anisotropic filtering. History is repeating itself: remember the FOV and DRM drama of 2007? It has only the barest-boned of graphical settings, it's saddled with particularly nasty mouse-smoothing that can only be turned off via ini file hacking, and there are various minor screwy graphical boo-boos too. Unfortunately it seems that BioShock 1 Remastered particularly has not been as well-loved on PC as it perhaps should have been. Bioshock: The Collection is out today (and free to owners of the originals), which from a PC point of view is most exciting because it gives a big old spit'n'polish to the first two games in the series (Infinite is unaffected on PC, being relatively contemporaneous as it is).